Since when the COVID 19 has been declared to be fatal and as a pandemic virus. Many new changes have been seen in the life of people. The way we live, the way we roam, the way we laugh, the way we play everything got affected by it. In some fields, it affected less and some fields, it affected more. It means, more or less, it has affected almost everyone. Badminton is also one of those games where changes after changes of the dates are coming in news every day through some sources.
The very latest news of the effect of this COVID 19 is in the schedule of the World Junior Championship of Badminton. Earlier the world junior championship was to be held in Auckland. In the month of September, the whole program was to take place. However, this all could not happen due to the outbreak of COVID 19. The new dates and places for the same have been announced by Badminton World Federation. The revised date for the same is in the month of Jan from 18 to 24 next year. In the same month, there will be one more prestigious event that is the World Junior Mixed Team Championship. The dates for it commences and finishing is the 11th of Jan and the 16th of Jan respectively.
Along with these, some other special events of badminton have been postponed in the same year. Two of them are BARFOOT and Thompson BWF world junior championship. These two main events of Badminton have been rescheduled in the month of September in the next year. First of the two will take place in Auckland while the second one, which is Thompson world junior Championship will take place in Newzealand. Along with this the BWF also said that in the tournament only those players will be eligible to play who was enlisted before the outbreak of COVID 19.

According to BWF, this new schedule of time will be very beneficial for many people. The BWF and The Badminton New Zealand Badminton tournament found this the best time to attract a large volume of junior players to come for the events in Auckland. In reference to these all events the Badminton world federation general secretary, Thomas Lund also said that this was the best option they could provide to balance everything without the loss of any one health under the effect of COVID 19.
On all these things the Chief Executive of Badminton New Zealand, Joe Hitchcock, has said that he is still very confident about all the events in Auckland. He said that all the junior players and the other visitors will never forget the experience which they will get there in Auckland next year. After that, he also said that he and his all working partners are well aware of the challenging situation of the world at the moment. Yet we are pretty sure nothing wrong will happen that time from anyone’s side.